Welcome to the Founders Heritage Park’s Reorganisation Project! (ReOrg for short).

Founders Park has collected pieces of history from the people and businesses of Nelson since 1986 and it's time for a big sort-out! 


The Re-Org project is our opportunity to do this.  We are making sure that all our objects are properly catalogued and safely stored so that they can be used to tell our story; like celebrating our regional history, following our agricultural progression and learning about industrial and scientific development. 

As part of that process we are finding some objects that we shouldn't keep, for example if the object doesn't fit our Collection Policy; if it is a duplicate; if it is in poor condition of if it is dangerous! On these occasions we use a tool called 'Deaccessioning'; a fancy term for 'removing things from the museum collection'. These objects will either be returned to the original donor or their descendants, transferred to another museum or donated for charity. 


Some objects we don't have recorded donors for however, so we will be posting lists here every month. 
If you recognise something, please contact our Curator: ari.edgecombe@ncc.govt.nz or our Collections Technician: hannah.rushton@ncc.govt.nz


You can view our Collection Policy here: FOUNDERS-HERITAGE-PARK-COLLECTION-POLICY-2020-.pdf 


Below are the latest lists of deaccessioned objects:



Public List 06 July 2023



Public List 01 September 2022

Public List 02 September 2022